søndag den 7. oktober 2012

Analt samleje

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Analt samleje, var popular in the antikke Greece. Jeg et lands, til homoseksualitet var normal. En efterspørgsel need not to skjule their følelser for another. Not engang the old grækere described in his research Historien om analt samleje.

No less side applies only analt samleje. So If you are interested in this Aspekt, will du find en temmelig large amount information about har Analsex. The following has offentliggjort another video, der show Analsex.

Before you want to have anal sex in this form, he immediately advaret about that it is not gyldigt. Partner and partner begået til basic Fejl, health der affect both and Komfort under sex.

Please note that he not brugte kondom to Analsex, or Kakao nawilżył parterki øjne. Therefore partner, moved to his penis bakterier, which is in endetarmen partner. Therefore udsætter themselves and partner. Ingen smøremiddel done penis cannot be taken fritte ind Kakao øjnene, can the forårsage further irritation of anus, which can afslutte bagning.

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